Trace, understand, automate: Prime becomes Hypermate

Prime, a software never seen before, was created in System Ceramics in 2016. Over the years the technology has evolved to respond to a continuously changing market with always different needs, and in 2022 became Hypermate, inside the wider context of Coesia Digital, which has the aim of accelerating the digital transformation of businesses through the introduction of new technologies and cutting-edge innovations.

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What is Hypermate?

Hypermate is a platform of software services that makes it possible to organize the information flows of entire ceramic production sites to optimize production from all points of view. The software, in fact, creates a Digital Twin of the line, in order to have a digital product that makes it possible to easily keep the entire production cycle under control and apply a shared operating model on all the machines.

When 'the key to everything is the data'.

The data-driven vision that accompanied the development of Prime and its evolution into Hypermate takes us increasingly inside industry 4.0, towards the complete automation of production sites, in a world in which 'the key to everything is the data' - Cristian Mattioli, Engineering Manager System Ceramics. Hypermate makes it possible to extract data from every machine on the line connected with it, to aggregate them, analyze them, compare them and therefore understand them in real time. This means being able to give input to the operator in order to take valid and effective decisions in good time, to optimize production times and the quality of resources produced, with immediate feedback regarding any defects found on the pieces or problems encountered during the same production processes.




What is the man-machine relationship with Hypermate?

Hypermate is an evolved and complex technology but, at the same time, it’s an intuitive and simple tool to use: the user-friendly interface the operators work with, constructed with attractive and immediate graphics, permits all figures in the company to exploit the potential of this software. System Ceramics’ final objective in the creation of Hypermate and of all other software and machines, in fact, is continuous improvement, the resolution of problems at all production levels, the simplification of processes and, finally, the obtaining of quality products through an optimized and efficient line in all its aspects.

Optimized production, extended sustainability

Sustainability is a direct consequence of an optimized production: the information processed by Hypermate thanks to the data collected by every machine, provides details on the material used for every square meter of product, identifying any waste that can be avoided. This results in a containment of outlays and a significant energy saving.

Find out more about Hypermate and all other Coesia Digital solutions here