

Sustainability at System Ceramics: a touch of respect

For System Ceramics sustainability is a part of innovation: in every step towards the future there is care and attention for the environment and for the planet. There’s a touch of respect in every action.

Since 2022 we have introduced a Supply Chain structure to invest in a careful monitoring of the production chain in terms of efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The objective is to work with predominantly local certified suppliers that promote the same values as us and give customers the possibility of improving for their part the sustainability of their production.

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For a sustainable production, System Ceramics invests in R&D in the search for innovative and durable materials with which to produce more resistant machines. Attention is also focused on reducing day-to-day waste with small and large changes:

  • Printed instructions for machine assembly have by now been almost completely replaced by digital instructions on totem displays;
  • A portal is available for suppliers and customers, as well as various management systems for the digital sharing of documents.
  • 130 kg of paper was saved in 2022 with the transfer of operating and troubleshooting instructions to digital format for the line dedicated to digital decoration, and from 2023 onwards, 240 kg of paper will be saved each year with the transfer to digital instructions also for the end-of-line machines.
  • Bottles and water dispensers are available for all workers.
sustainability materials


System Ceramics works to reduce emissions, in particular with responsible day-to-day choices such as the use of electric battery-powered tools and lifting equipment and powder coatings. In addition, periodic controlsof emissions are carried out every 6/12 months; remote work procedures have been introduced and harmful fumes have been reduced with the use of pickled materials.



System Ceramics promotes, together with Coesia and all the companies in the group, an Ethical Code the purpose of which is to raise awareness and promote a sense of responsibility in all employees. A sustainable approach is fostered through various initiatives and shared at Group level and in relations with the stakeholders.

  • Defibrillators have been installed in all System Ceramics, Nuova Era and Tosilab sites, and there are employees trained in their use in each site.
  • There are Hybrid/plug-in vehicles in the company’s car fleet; charging stations for electric cars have been installed at the Fiorano site and incentives are envisaged for all workers that go to work by bicycle.


20% of the energy in System Ceramics’ production sites is produced with photovoltaic plants and self-consumption reaches 70%, also thanks to the installation of integrated medium voltage electrical substations. In addition, 500MWh per year have been saved with the transfer from traditional lights to led lights.

There are many choices that have led to an energy saving, also on a daily basis in the company: the automatic setting of pcs to screen saver mode, the switching off of pcs at the end of the working day, digital tools for communication and remote working.


System Ceramics has 1,162 employees in the world: 97% of them were hired with a permanent contract and all have access to training courses. Smart Working and flexible working hours are benefits always available for reducing home-work journeys and to favor a correct work-private life balance. The Metasalute Health Care Fund provides concrete solutions to the expectations and needs of workers, offering them supplementary health services and a Welfare Plan.

sustainability employees