Prime system ceramics giulia catti mariner

Giulia Catti, Ceramiche Mariner, describes System Ceramics' Prime

Who better than an entrepreneur who made his production plant a flagship of industry 4.0 can describe Prime and the advantages of digital ceramic manufacturing?

On the occasion of the XI Acimac Annual Meeting hold in Modena on November 2019, the main topic was about Digital Evolution and how ceramic industry is rapidly evolving following this innovation. Among the italian ceramic companies adopting this digital production philosophy there is Ceramiche Mariner, that created the first and completely digitalized production plant, where Prime manages the entire production flow.

Giulia Catti, owner of Ceramiche Mariner, tells her experience with Prime, highlighting how production has become more flexible and efficient and how the management of the plant smarter and more immediate.

Prime is a simple and clear tool easy to use and makes anyone in the company who uses it feel perfectly at ease. It’s a tool that we all use, from the line operator and department manager through to the technical director and production manager, from laboratory techni­cians to the quality department, and even top management” says Giulia Catti while describing the 3D interface.


Talking about some of the benefits that Prime can guarantee to the production process, she explains:

Just think that in October alone we produced over 130 dif­ferent items! People working in our sector will know just how difficult it is to manage such a wide range of products. This is just one of the many demonstrations of the high levels of flexibility and performance offered by Prime, which pro­cesses data in order to provide the information we need to make strategically important decisions. In some depart­ments, product changeover is done with a click, something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago”.

Perfectly hit the target, thanks to the choice of a software like Prime, to build a flexible, interconnected and with high performances plant, a great idea for the ceramic sector that Ceramiche Mariner started to think about in 2016.

Prime is production data analysis, cost and consumption management, with a strong commercial value too, guaranteed by the possibility to view the production status of the plant in real-time by using any device in any area of the world. Giulia Catti tells how she uses Prime to inform her customers about their orders produced by Mariner, giving them actual data:

“Regardless of where I am in the world, I can show my customers the state of produc­tion in real time and display a series of information such as yields, tones, problems encountered and defects. It’s an au­thentic digital twin of the factory. The response from my cus­tomers has been extraordinary”.



Finally a comment about the collaboration with System Ceramics team, thanks to which Mariner has been able to realise this project of industry digitalisation:

“With Prime it was love at first sight (…). We are proud of what we have achieved so far in our local area, with our own workforce and with a leading technological partner like Sys­tem Ceramics. Mariner represents a state-of-the-art indus­trial project, a true Industry 4.0 and 100% digitalised manu facturing operation that testifies to a forward-looking business vision and the search for a new way of doing business. System Ceramics has created a powerful system for improv­ing industrial efficiency that involves interconnecting all de­partments, from the entry of the raw materials to pallet ship­ment. But we are only at the beginning, Prime still has much to offer”.


You can find the full interview with Giulia Catti, owner of Ceramiche Mariner, in the number 135/20 of Ceramic World Review.

Visit Prime web page and contact us for more information.
