From Creadigit Infinity to Prime: System Ceramics protagonist in 3 sector conferences in Europe

Spain, Turkey and Portugal will host 3 important conferences on the ceramic sector in the coming weeks. System Ceramics will take part in these events illustrating the state of the art of technologies for the sector in the field of decoration, industry 4.0 and quality control.

XVI Congreso Internacional del Técnico Cerámicos - Spain

The XVI Congreso Internacional del Técnico Cerámicos will take place on 18 and 19 November in Castellon - Spain. It is a biennial event organized by ATC - Asociación Española de Técnicos Cerámicos, which addresses the issues of the ceramic market in each edition. Giancarlo Imponale, Engineering Supervisor - System Ceramics, will deliver the speech “Hacia la complete digitalización de los procesos. Eluso de datos para una acción más inteligente ”, in which he will illustrate the advantages of Prime, the software services platform designed by System Ceramics for the digital management of entire factories.

Jornadas Técnicas da Cerâmica - Portugal

The fourth edition of the Jornadas Técnicas da Cerâmica will take place from 16 to 19 November in Portugal. On the occasion of the day dedicated to Technological Innovations for Digitalization, Automation and Ceramic Industrial Processes, System Ceramics will illustrate, with Massimo Prodi, its solutions on the subject with a focus on industry 4.0.

VI Interclay International Conference - Turchia

Concludiamo con l’ultima importante conferenza che vedrà System Ceramics protagonista nella due giorni di Interclay Conference, che si terrà a Istanbul – Turchia, nelle giornate del 24 e 25 Novembre. Si tratta della sesta edizione di questo evento internazionale dedicato al settore ceramico, al quale System Ceramics prenderà parte con gli interventi di Uljana Guscina - Area Manager e Vyacheslav Akimenko - Area Manager. Nell’ambito della sessione “New technologies and materials on the market. Digital printing. Raw Materials”, si parlerà di Creadigit Infinity, l’ultima innovazione nel campo della decorazione digitale ceramica. Mentre nella sessione mattutina del 25 Novembre dedicata a “Raw materials, materials and equipment for ceramic production. How to reduce defects? Energy Saving Potentials”, saranno illustrate le peculiarità dei tools di controllo qualità di System Ceramics per la riduzione dei difetti sulla piastrella ceramica.

We conclude with the last important conference that will see System Ceramics protagonist in the two days of Interclay Conference, to be held in Istanbul - Turkey, on 24 and 25 November. This is the sixth edition of this international event dedicated to the ceramic sector, in which System Ceramics will take part with the intervention of Vyacheslav Akimenko - Area Manager. As part of the session "New technologies and materials on the market. Digital printing. Raw Materials ", we will talk about Creadigit Infinity, the latest innovation in the field of digital ceramic decoration.

Here are the links to the events::

XVI Congreso Internacional del Técnico Cerámicos – ATC

Jornadas Técnicas da Cerâmica – CTCV

VI Interclay International Conference


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